Ultrasound Scanning Center in Antigua

What is an ultrasound?
An ultrasound scan is a diagnostic procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to obtain live images from the body’s interior. Ultrasound is also referred to as sonography.
Similar to the technology used by sonar and radar, an ultrasound enables the doctor to see problems with the organs, arteries, and tissues using a simple non-invasive procedure.
What is an ultrasound used to detect?
Ultrasound is used to create images of soft tissue structures, such as the gallbladder, liver, kidneys, pancreas, bladder, and other organs and parts of the body. Ultrasound can also measure the flow of blood in the arteries to detect blockages. Ultrasound testing is safe and easy to perform.
Some people tend to have reservations about getting an ultrasound, but there is no need for that. Unlike some other imaging techniques, ultrasound machines do not produce or use radiation. This is the reason that using ultrasound is the preferred method for viewing a pregnant mother’s developing fetus.
An ultrasound is a simple procedure that can help detect and prevent a variety of serious complications. Book your ultrasound appointment at Bowen Medical today!