Wellness & Prevention Care Center in Antigua

Wellness and Prevention Care
Wellness & Prevention
At Bowen Medical we know staying on top of the health conditions and concerns is an important factor in maintain the quality and longevity of our life, for example, many of us maybe already living with, multiple health conditions and are interested in what steps we can take in advance to maintain overall well-being and make sure our needs and preferences still fit into our care.
“Preventive healthcare” is the term used for care that helps us protect, promote, and maintain health and well-being. If you’re an older adult or a caregiver for an older person, you can access important information at Bowen Medical website about wellness, preventative health, and other issues that can keep us healthy and safe for as long as possible.
It’s always better to prevent an illness rather than treat it after it advances. And while there are some factors such as your age, gender, and family history for certain diseases are beyond our control, there are many important risk factors that are within our power to change. Steps like pursuing screening tests, vaccinations, and healthy lifestyle habits can help prevent or slow down an illness. Making small changes in your daily life can help you stay active and independent as you get older.
We must note, in addition to the screening tests and vaccinations, there are a number of steps you can take to help prevent diseases from developing. Even if you already have an illness, these steps can help keep it from getting worse. For example, sometimes lifestyle changes like eating a healthier diet and exercising more can improve blood pressure or diabetes so that you don’t need to take as much medication.
- Quit Smoking
- Increase Your Physical Activity
- Eat a Healthy Diet
- Drink More Water
- Limit Alcohol Use
- Take Steps to Prevent Accidental Injury
- Keep Your Teeth Healthy
- Take Care of Your Skin
Prevention is better than cure. Call Bowen Medical today!