Foreign Body Removal Services in Antigua

Foreign Body Removal
Foreign Body Removal refers to the retrieval of foreign objects that have been introduced into the body, whether intentionally or by accident.
Foreign bodies can be introduced into various parts of the body including eye, ear, nose, finger, leg, foot, stomach, skin, breathing tract and more. The technique used to remove the foreign object depends on the nature of the object, and its location in the human body.
Foreign bodies may be present if something has been ingested or inserted by the patient or by someone else, or they can occur due to an accident.
In some cases, ingested objects can pass through the digestive tract naturally and without complications or discomfort, but some patients may need assistance to remove the foreign body. Most foreign bodies lodged in the ear and nose can be removed by a competent doctor in the office with little to no risk of complications. Popular methods of removal include the use of forceps, water irrigation and suction tubes. Foreign bodies lodged in the windpipe or the oesophagus (tube leading from the throat to the stomach) are medical emergencies, sometimes involving surgery.
Types of Foreign Bodies:
Inhaled Foreign Bodies
Children are especially susceptible to inhaled foreign bodies because they explore their environment with their mouths.
Foreign Bodies in the Alimentary Tract
Objects that are swallowed or inserted through the rectum may enter the alimentary tract, which is the passage between the mouth and the anus.
Foreign Bodies removal in the Skin
Foreign bodies may enter the skin through normal contact or by accident. Splinters are common foreign bodies, but they typically do not require medical assistance unless the wound has become infected. In that case, it may result in a surgical emergency.
Foreign Bodies in the Eye
Eye foreign body removal may be performed when foreign bodies become embedded in the eye while performing certain tasks or during an accident. Shards of glass and metal can be particularly dangerous and painful, and they will need to be removed by a medical professional.
Foreign Bodies in the Ear, Anus, Vagina or Nose
Emergency room physicians can perform ear foreign body removal, anal foreign body removal, vaginal foreign body removal and nose foreign body removal. These cases can cause intense discomfort. If you need foreign bodies retrieved from these areas:
Bowen Medical is here for you.